Gain Understanding. Grow Confidence. Outperform Your Fear!

A place for athletes, coaches, and parents to come together, communicate, understand, and THRIVE!

What is The Coach Lain Method™ Online Community?

Give me your tired, your depleted, your mentally defeated, your beaten & bruised, your hopeless and emotionally untreated...These are the people I was put on this earth to help! Every Tumbling Athlete is Somebody who deserves to be CONFIDENT!!!

The Coach Lain Method™ Online Community was created FOR YOU - the "mentally blocked" tumbling athlete who feels alone in her struggle; the passionate coach at their wit's end on how to help; the loving parent who just wants to help but has no idea how to.

This Community was created FOR YOU! 

What is The Coach Lain Method™?

Simply put, The Coach Lain Method™ is my proprietary system for teaching, instructing, and inspiring the way that I do.

Coach Lain is a mental performance and tumbling technique coach specializing in helping to educate, edify, and inspire athletes, coaches, and parents along the journey of understanding mental performance & how to better perform in the high-performing sport of their choice. Motivation culture is notorious for teaching you that positive self-talk, a focused mindset, and "beast mode" methods are all that you need to outperform your fear and "get over" your mental anxiety. 

With methodologies, philosophies, and practical theories derived from sports and traditional psychology, Coach Lain believes in taking a holistic approach to rehabilitating an athlete's technical skill, broken spirit, and shattered confidence. This means training the athlete, not the skill.

The Gift of Fear?

Fear is real, very real. But fear is not the enemy. It is a gift!

Coach Lain has spent the last decade creating & refining methods and tools for high-performing athletes to utilize in learning to manage, use, and ultimately outperform their fear. Through his unique mixture of performance psychology, emotional intelligence training, and empirical observation & application, Coach Lain has quickly become the foremost authority on fear management and performance-based fear psychology. 

We're conditioned from a very early age to fear that which makes us uncomfortable and that we don't understand. And in doing so, we're taught to, as Tony Robbins says, "blame the small thing for the big thing." 

There are currently over 400 recognized phobias in the psychology discipline. The word "phobia", derived from the Greek φόβος (phóbos) means, "an irrational fear." What makes our psychological fears irrational is not what we claim to fear, but that we fail to recognize that it's actually our reaction to the discomfort that triggers our irrational fear. 

If we can learn to recognize and pinpoint what causes our greatest discomforts, and then recondition our responses to them, learning to use our fear as an indicator of when it's time to grow, we can not only learn to manage our fear but also outperform its irrationality!

Hashtag CoachLainHelps 😉

It's more than just a cheeky hashtag...It's my mission statement!

Gain direct access to me, my method, and every single online resource I've ever produced, as well as content that is to come! This Community is meant to serve as a gateway, a direct lifeline turning you from a subscriber or follower into a respected citizen and resident!

Let's Continue to Build!

Connect in Person, Nurture the Connection Online!

I'm so fortunate to be able to meet and connect with SO MANY different people around the world during my travels. But it's so bittersweet when we have to part ways, even though I know it's the nature of what I do. I've always wanted a way of staying in touch and continuing to build with everyone I meet after we've parted ways!

This is the entire purpose of the Coach Lain Method™ Community - to connect AND build! Let's grow together!


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